Complimentary Analysis
Retirement Plans
All Plan Sponsors are required to provide necessary due diligence required by the Department of Labor should one’s retirement plan suffer an audit, something becoming quite prevalent as government places higher scrutiny upon retirement plan program operations, including but not limited to: investment selection process, transparency of expenses, full disclosures of fees and revenue, fiduciary responsibility and completing required due diligence.
As a part of satisfying these higher standards to which Plan Sponsors are being held, Trent is both happy and equipped to provide an in-depth Complimentary Analysis of retirement plans for those carrying the responsibility, but who may not know about the changing regulatory environment, conflicts of interest that exist between provider and participants, restricted platforms used, fiduciary liability, and the fact that dramatic improvements in performance can and should be realized from investment options if made from an open architecture designed to enhance their retirement plan’s investment performance, and not simply the providers revenue stream. Trent’s Complimentary Analysis provides an apples-to-apples scorecard comparing both performance and fees between one’s existing 401(k) program and that which is offered by Trent Capital. There is no cost for this service which may lead Plan Sponsor’s to the often correct conclusion that very dramatic improvements can be made to their retirement plans. At the very least, your minimal time and effort taken to obtain our professional Analysis will result in having due diligence in your files that will be required from any potental Department of Labor audits
Click Get Free Analysis if you wish to consider this service at no cost or obligation. Providing some simple information to Trent, which can be sent directly to us in only a couple of minutes, can result in understanding that sitting on the same side of the table with one’s clients making best efforts within an unrestricted and unbiased investment management process, will result in much greater likelihood of reaching participant’s objectives of maximizing participant’s retirement assets, which is Trent’s primary focus.